Cardio First Angel and sport

Our aim is to protect sports clubs and raise awareness among athletes. 60-80% of athletes show no symptoms at all before going into cardiac arrest. A large number of cardiac accidents can occur after intense exercise that puts a lot of strain on the heart. A 2017 Italian study found that athletes were three times more likely to die of sudden death than the general population. This risk can be divided by 4 if the people present at the time of the incident have access to first aid.

The Cardio First Angel enables anyone, trained or untrained, to perform effective cardiac massage while awaiting the arrival of emergency services or even an AED. What’s more, thanks to its small size, it can easily fit into a sports bag or even be hung up at reception, in changing rooms or even on sports fields / halls.

Introducing the Cardio First Angelat the French Tennis Federation’s CNE (Centre National d’Entraînement).


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