Cardiac arrest

Infography cardiac arrest

Every day, there are an average of 130 cardiac arrests in France 🇫🇷. It’s important to know how to recognize them so you can take action as quickly as possible.

Here’s how to recognize cardiac arrest:
– The person collapses suddenly.
– The victim is unconscious and doesn’t react when spoken to or stimulated.
– Breathing is non-existent (neither stomach nor chest rise) or very irregular.

If all these elements are present, the victim is in cardiac arrest. As soon as possible, start cardiac massage and ask someone to go and get a defibrillator, if there is one nearby.

The 3 most important things to remember are: call, massage and defibrillate. Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  1. A phone to call.
    2. Cardio First Angel for massaging.
    3. A defibrillator for defibrillation.

After notifying emergency services, massage is the first priority. As a reminder, the Cardio First Angel, your cardiac massage assistant, helps you perform a proper massage while waiting for a defibrillator or paramedics to arrive. What’s more, if other witnesses are present, you can easily take turns, as anyone can use the Cardio First Angel.

In our next article, find out why and how to perform a good cardiac massage.

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