Testimonials – discover the stories of our heroes

Discover the stories of our heroes who, witnessing a cardiac arrest, dared to act using the Cardio First Angel and saved lives.

CHANTAL: A Life Saved on a Harmless Walk

Chantal’s poignant account of how she saved a victim of cardiac arrest is a captivating tale of courage and swift action.

About two years ago, Chantal was out walking with her dog when she spotted a lady in distress near a winding road. The woman explained her dizziness as caused by new progressive glasses, but suddenly went into cardiorespiratory arrest. Unaware at the time that she was suffering from arrhythmia, Chantal took matters into her own hands.

She called for help, assessing the situation and performing first aid. Using her Cardio First Angel, Chantal administered cardiac massage for ten minutes until help arrived. She later learned that the victim, a 45-year-old woman with a medical history of arrhythmia, had survived thanks to her prompt actions and the use of Cardio First Angel.


JORIS: Quick Response, Life Saved

Joris, a young man of 26, became a real hero when he saved a victim from cardiac arrest with no after-effects, thanks to his prompt action and the Cardio First Angel.

Joris, trained by the French Red Cross with his PSC1 in 2017, was out for an afternoon stroll on the bike path near his home. As he faced a gentleman in his sixties, the latter suddenly complained of intense chest pain. Without wasting any time, Joris helped him to sit up, but the situation deteriorated rapidly, and the victim went into cardiac arrest.

With calm precision, Joris used his Cardio First Angel, performing cardiac massages to restore the victim’s heartbeat. Thanks to his training and first-aid equipment, the victim escaped without serious injury, demonstrating the effectiveness of the Cardio First Angel in critical situations.

The Impact of First Angel Cardio

These poignant testimonials highlight the crucial importance of Cardio First Angel in the chain of survival during sudden cardiac arrest. Whether on a bike path or on a casual stroll, rapid intervention and proper use of this device can mean the difference between life and death.

These inspiring stories from Joris and Chantal show that first aid training and the use of tools like Cardio First Angel can turn bystanders into heroes. In emergency situations, every second counts, and having the necessary knowledge and resources can be the key to success.

Saving Lives: A Shared Commitment

If you too have had a similar experience or would like to share a testimonial about using the First Angel Cardio, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your story could inspire others to take action and save lives.

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