Steps to follow if you witness a cardiac arrest
Emergency situations, such as cardiac arrest, can occur at any time and in any place. Knowing what to do to save a life is essential. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to take if you witness a cardiac arrest.

Recognizing cardiac arrest
The first crucial step is to recognize cardiac arrest. Here are the signs to look out for:
1. Unconsciousness
The person is unconscious. When you try to stimulate her by shaking her hand or talking to her, there’s no reaction.
2. No breathing
The victim is not breathing. You can check by putting your ear close to his nose and looking at his chest for any movement in his ribcage.
If these signals occur, it is likely that the person is in cardiac arrest. In this case, follow these steps immediately to maximize your chances of survival.
Steps to follow in the event of cardiac arrest
Call for help – 15
Your first action should be to call the emergency number 15. The sooner medical professionals arrive on the scene, the better the victim’s chances of survival.
Starting cardiac massage
During cardiac massage, your aim is to force the heart to pump blood and continue oxygenating vital organs, especially the brain. The quality of cardiac massage is essential to optimize organ perfusion.
To perform an effective cardiac massage, place the heel of your hand in the center of the victim’s chest, just below the nipple line. Lock your fingers together, arms outstretched, and use your body weight to depress the sternum about 5 to 6 centimeters at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
There are devices to help and reassure you when performing cardiac massage, such as the Cardio First Angel.
Ask for help
If there are witnesses nearby, ask them to help you. Cardiac massage is a technical and tiring procedure. It is essential to take turns to maintain the quality of chest compressions.
Search for an automatic external defibrillator (AED)
Ask a witness to fetch a defibrillator if one is nearby. Apps such as “Staying Alive” can show you the location of defibrillators in your area.
Using the automatic external defibrillator (AED)
If an AED is available, open the device and place the electrodes on the victim’s chest in accordance with the instructions. Follow the machine’s instructions. While it carries out its diagnosis, the AED may ask you to continue cardiac massage.
Continue cardiac massage
If the defibrillator doesn’t work for the victim, or if there isn’t one nearby, you must continue cardiac massage until help arrives. Every minute counts in a cardiac arrest situation.
Speed of response is key when witnessing cardiac arrest. By following these crucial steps, you can play a vital role in preserving the victim’s life. Don’t forget the chain of survival: Call – Massage – Defibrillate.
Your responsiveness can mean the difference between life and death!